When visiting ScreenFixing for an iPhone Repair, you will often be asked if you prefer original or aftermarket quality parts. In order to make this decision we wanted to help you out with a little more information regarding what the difference is between the two. Often, repair companies don’t share this information or acknowledge that they are using differing qualities, but one of our core values is honesty with regards to all of our customer repair experiences.

Aftermarket iPhone Screens

When it comes to selecting an aftermarket screen for us to sell with our iPhone repair services, we found numerous different qualities available. This further adds to the confusion, as some are certainly better than others. Not all aftermarket displays are created equal. We choose to use the highest quality aftermarket parts available that will sacrifice as little as possible for the customer. Aftermarket iPhone parts range in price and often the repair companies that choose to sell them will choose the cheapest, so they can make more profit, while offering you a limited warranty against any issues that you may experience.

Possible Issues:

  • Much lower resolution
  • Often can’t be seen with polarized sunglasses
  • Manufactured outside of Apple’s specifications
  • Color quality does not compare to original quality displays
  • Glass is thicker and more brittle, meaning it can break more easily
  • Touch is usually less responsive
  • 3d Touch/Force Touch may not be present or may be less responsive
  • Apple may disable during OS updates
  • Screen brightness may not be as good
  • May not have oleophobic coating, meaning that fingerprints are much more visible
  • Unpredictable issues, such as damage to the logic board on the phone or faster battery drain

Original Quality iPhone Screens

Original quality screens used in iPhone repair are normally performed with refurbished displays that were previously broken and have had the glass replaced, or they are what is considered an Original Pull, meaning that it came off an otherwise not working device and is in like new condition. Things happen in the refurbishing process, however issues are less likely to result in any complications that you might experience from an aftermarket display.

We don’t have a lot of negative concerns about original quality, so we will tell you what we like about them!

  • Just like your old screen
  • Manufactured to Apple’s specifications, meaning high quality glass, frame and original internal core
  • Will be compatible after Apple updates

However, they are more expensive and we realized that customers sometimes want to save money and we want to help with that, so we have aftermarket displays in stock for all iPhones that have them available. They are offered at a lower cost with the same great service and repair quality you have come to expect from our team.